
Friday, March 14, 2008

A Balanced Diet

Nutrients are chemicals in foods that are used by our body to enable it to live and grow. Some of the nutrients in foods are not usually needed because our body can accommodate the nutrients supply from other chemicals in the foods. However, to get optimal body functions, the daily food intake should contain 46 types of essential nutrients; carbohydrates, fat, fiber and clean water.

Besides from that, Dr Ragner Berg of the USA recommends that the daily food serving should be 80% alkaline based and 20% acidic based to obtain good health.

If our cell gets insufficient nutrients, cell metabolism process will be disrupted thus attracting chronic diseases. Different types of nutrients are inter-related with each other. It means that they need each other to work. For example if Vitamin D is not enough, our cell cannot absorb Calcium. It is important that we try to get a balanced diet daily because if any one of the nutrients is insufficient, our health will be jeopardized.

Cancer Society of America have reported that death caused by cancer can be avoided because it is a disease caused by bad dieting, physically inactive, obesity and other factors related to lifestyles. It is also reported that 1/3 of death by cancer in the US is caused by bad dieting. So it is clear that a proper diet program affects our health.

If you are reading this, it means that you are already or have become health conscious and you are willing to do whatever it takes to start or continue to take care of your health. It is very important that we have the basic knowledge about dieting and balanced nutrition and its additional source to help us take care of our body.

Please go through previous posts to know more about MRT concept to better health and tune in to future posts to know why we are not getting enough Oxygen to our cells.

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