
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are We Living Longer but Less Healthfully?

The 21st centuries is witnessing an increased life expectancy as well as a huge increase in modern diseases. While medicines help to extend lifespan, individuals now have to face the ravages of aging for a longer time. Ultimately, we lead a poorer quality of life, even though we are living longer.

One main disease: Two causes
All diseases can be traced back to cellular dysfunction, which are caused by:

1Deficiency of needed nutrients- Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids and Phytonutrients

The modern diet of processed and refined food is laden with sugar, fats and chemicals but lacking in essential nutrients. Even though most of us have enough to eat, the odds are we’re not getting sufficient amounts of essential nutrients that our bodies need to perform optimally.

2 Toxicity from exposure to polluted air, water and foods
Environmental pollution, bad lifestyle habits, processed and oily food all add unnecessary chemicals and metals that interfere with enzymes and cell functions. They are all toxic to our body and these toxins initiate free radical problems that at the end create damage to our body cells. A free radical is essentially a reactive atom or molecule that has an unpaired electron. These unstable molecules then attack and steal another cell’s electrons in order to achieve stability; resulting in an unchecked chain reaction that alters our internal cell structures.

Free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes our immune system’s cell purposely creates them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors like those mentioned above will spawn free radicals. Too many free radicals in the body will eventually kill cells. An increasing amount of research has shown that excessive free radicals are related to most chronic illnesses and diseases like premature aging, fatigue, declining mental functions, cardiovascular problems and even cancers.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The ‘H’ Factor in Women’s Lives

Hormones make up the endocrine system and are responsible for the development, growth, metabolism and reproductive functions throughout a woman’s life. Physiological changes are often caused by hormonal upheavals during the critical phases of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause to address the different needs of the body, thus affecting the quality of life.

Adverse physiological symptoms of hormonal imbalance are usually caused by variations in the progesterone and estrogen hormone levels. Depending on the level of stress, nutrition, exercise and ovulation, a woman’s body produces varying amounts of these hormones from month to month. Other factors that adversely affecting internal hormone levels include environmental pollution like household chemicals and car exhaust, hectic lifestyles, intake of birth control pills and a diet that lack nourishment.

Many women are plagued with hormone imbalances that go unrecognized and untreated. Unfortunately, the development of modern medicine only masks or suppresses the symptoms- like painkillers for PMS, period regulators or hormone replacement therapy but these do not address the root cause.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach
Traditional Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to address imbalance within the body. In Chinese medicine, the kidney, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems are interconnected and any deficiencies may affect other functions. Thus, nourishing these systems in a holistic combination of herbs can improve overall health and vitality and alleviate specific physiological symptoms or discomfort associated with hormonal imbalance. Some useful herbs for ladies are:

Huang Qi- Replenishes inner energy (qi) in females; aids tissue regeneration

Wang Bu Liu Xing- Commonly used to nourish breasts

Dang Gui- Regulates menstruation; helps reduce menstrual pain

Dang Shen, Dan Shen- Helps relieves blood stasis; helps increase production of hemoglobin

By nourishing the internal organs using these herbal formulations with Chinese medicine philosophy, it helps to regulate the endocrine system, resulting in enhanced feminine health and a better quality of life.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Signs of Healing

Do not be frightened or nervous if you get the healing signs when practicing the health concept of MRT. Your wise decision to use the MRT concept as your health regime will definitely bring changes for the betterment of your body.

In the early stages of the program, when your body is still getting use to the changes, you will feel tired and exhausted for a few days. This is happening because of the replacement of energy to support the regeneration process in important organs. You may feel uncomfortable and this is a good thing because it is a sign that MRT is doing its work in our body. To minimize the discomfort, rest sufficiently and continue with the program. Do not stop. Your body is healing itself and all the signs will eventually go away.

There are different levels healing process:
a) Catabolism- Toxin is eliminated from our body system. You will probably lose a bit of weight
b) Stabilization- This is the detoxification and cell regeneration in a balanced level. The body weight will also be balanced
c) Anabolism- Sudden weight increase happens due to new optimised cells growth.

All these changes means that our body is functioning efficiently and MRT newbie should not worry. Your body is constructing itself back to normal and changes and signs of recovery are necessary to let us know that MRT concept is working. If you are not feeling anything yet, it means:
  • You’re really healthy (congratulations!)
  • The construction works haven’t arrived yet at that particular area
  • The product or foods that you’re consuming to practice MRT is not up to the standards.
Signs that might appear while on MRT:

Possible Signs Reasonable Causes Suggested Action
Affected part becomes more painful
Encourage growth of normal tissue, reproduction and rapid recovery of muscle tissue, injured bones and nerves etc.
Do not panic. These signs will disappear
Cannot sleep because too active
The fat layers change to energy
This reaction will disappear after a while
Headache and always hungry
Low glucose level in the blood. Energy production uses body fat, which will reduce sugar level in the blood.
Eat more vegetables and fruits to balanced your diet
Vomiting and stomach discomfort
Happens because of changes in dietary habits
Eat more vegetables and fruits to balanced your diet
Low fluid in the body
Eat more vegetables and fruits to balanced your diet and drink a lot of clean and pure water
Weight increase
This happens to thin people because their fat turns to muscle while for fat people, it is because of water retention in their body
This is temporary. Your body weight will stabilized after a certain period
No changes in body weight
Weak metabolism or poor kidney and liver functions. It also happens to people who take slimming product, which will cause temporary changes to body functions.
Add more fiber to your diet regime
Itching and red tiny spots on body
Happens at detoxification level. This is a sign of liver problem or sensitive skin.
Drink a lot of clean and pure water and use detoxification therapy
Internal organ pain
Internal organ have problem
Continue with therapy
Dry and sticky waste
Toxin elimination
Drink a lot of clean and pure water and use detoxification therapy

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Health Regulation

In contrast with popular belief, chronic diseases are not part of the aging process. Chronic disease can be prevented if we take care of our health right from the beginning. If not, metabolism in our cell will be disrupted causing illness, depreciating body functions and eventually chronic disease will emerge.
The declining of our body functions will happen when part of our body is neglected or is not taken cared of in a period of time. This happens because of low nutrition intake in a long period of time, low oxygen intake or oxygen of low quality or weak detoxification functions. On top of this, too much eating or unnecessary food consumption, obesity and even the excessive use of the brain and body will put more burdens on our organs and create disease.
Eating process food and cooked food regularly will disrupt our enzyme level thus lowering the digestive ability and the nutrients absorption of our body. Eventually our body will easily be exposed to metabolic disorder.
We encourage the good health maintenance through consumption of nutrients and activating our body cells. After preparing nutrients supply, enhancing metabolism and getting rid of toxin from our body, we still have to give additional special properties to our cells and from time to time, relieve the present damages.
Step 4 in this MRT concept, Health Regulation focuses on providing nutritious food, activating cells and relieving the burden to parts or particular health problems in our body. In focusing to a particular health problem in our body besides our whole health, the body will heal faster and will return to a healthy state.
We will share more on the how to in future posts. Please tune in.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


According to WHO, colon cancer is predicted to become the no.1 killer in the 21st century in the developed world and it was proven that the main caused for this is the piled up waste in the colon.

This happens because most of the chronic diseases start with a dirty and toxic colon. Constipation is the main symptom of an unhealthy colon. However, if we are free from constipation and other related colon problem, it doesn’t necessarily means that we have a healthy colon. A study in Japan has revealed that a person who doesn’t have any constipation signs at all actually develops 6-10Ib of stubborn stool in their colon.

Further study in the US have shown that from more than 20,000 patient who have undergone surgery, not even one of them had a healthy colon!

That is why one of the steps in the MRT concept is focused on colon cleansing. Any foods that are not properly digested will not be absorbed into our body system and will be left as toxic waste. If this waste is not removed, the toxic will spread to the colon walls and will be absorbed back to the tiny blood capillaries that will bring the toxic to the whole body. This will disrupt the cell functions and eventually will develop diseases.

Some people have constipation problems but are not aware that it is a serious matter. Most will just say that its normal and it runs in the family or that the lesser they visit the toilet the better. They even say that they feel normal although they haven’t excreted for 3 days. Most don’t know that we must excrete at least once a day to cleanse our body of toxic waste form the food we eat.

Detoxification is step no.3 in the MRT health concept. It is very important to detoxify our body and to maintain healthy digestive systems. The correct way to do this is to cleanse and remove toxic waste from our colon.

We will share to you how to have a clean colon more in later posts.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Increasing Oxygen Intake

In the last post, we shared about balanced diet. If you are new to this blog, balanced diet is one of the 4 steps in MRT concept to an optimum health (see previous posts for details). The steps are:
1. Step 1- Consumptions of balance nutrition to supply all essential nutrients to our body
2. Step 2- Increasing oxygen intake to enhance cell metabolism
3. Step 3- Detoxification to cleanse the body off toxins and waste
4. Step 4- Health regulation to make our cells more fertile and strong

Now we are in step 2 of this concept; increasing oxygen intake to enhance cell metabolism.

Oxygen gives life to us. A person who is deprived of oxygen will die in a matter of minutes and low oxygen supply will cause trouble to our body. Everyday, our body produces millions of new cells to replace cells that have been used in the metabolism process. A lot of oxygen is also used for:
  • Neutralized toxic waste in our body
  • Changes dangerous cancer causing agents to other safe materials
  • Combining with dangerous hydrogen ions, a byproduct of fat and carbohydrates metabolism to eliminate them from our systems through sweat and urine.
  • Supports vitamins functions

Why are we getting low supply of Oxygen?
The reasons for this are:
  • Nutrients deficiencies in our system to produce red blood cell
  • Seldom exercising to increase oxygen circulation in our system
  • Acidic and high viscosity of blood causes blood cells to deteriorate
  • Stress causes arteries to shrink and narrowed
  • Polluted atmosphere

How to improve the oxygen intake to our system?
Exercising increases our heart beat rate and forces us to suck more air. Physical exercise can ease the oxygen flow in our body through increasing the oxygen supply, encouraging blood circulation besides supporting normal metabolism at cellular level.

However, our busy way of life, the confined work space and excessive environmental pollution have taken away our good quality oxygen causing us to be easily exposed to chronic diseases. Unless we find other sources to supply our oxygen needs, we have no choice but to be deprived of it and exposing us to diseases.

We will share to you in future post on ways to obtain alternatives to good quality oxygen.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Balanced Diet

Nutrients are chemicals in foods that are used by our body to enable it to live and grow. Some of the nutrients in foods are not usually needed because our body can accommodate the nutrients supply from other chemicals in the foods. However, to get optimal body functions, the daily food intake should contain 46 types of essential nutrients; carbohydrates, fat, fiber and clean water.

Besides from that, Dr Ragner Berg of the USA recommends that the daily food serving should be 80% alkaline based and 20% acidic based to obtain good health.

If our cell gets insufficient nutrients, cell metabolism process will be disrupted thus attracting chronic diseases. Different types of nutrients are inter-related with each other. It means that they need each other to work. For example if Vitamin D is not enough, our cell cannot absorb Calcium. It is important that we try to get a balanced diet daily because if any one of the nutrients is insufficient, our health will be jeopardized.

Cancer Society of America have reported that death caused by cancer can be avoided because it is a disease caused by bad dieting, physically inactive, obesity and other factors related to lifestyles. It is also reported that 1/3 of death by cancer in the US is caused by bad dieting. So it is clear that a proper diet program affects our health.

If you are reading this, it means that you are already or have become health conscious and you are willing to do whatever it takes to start or continue to take care of your health. It is very important that we have the basic knowledge about dieting and balanced nutrition and its additional source to help us take care of our body.

Please go through previous posts to know more about MRT concept to better health and tune in to future posts to know why we are not getting enough Oxygen to our cells.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Towards Optimal Health Care

Previously, we have shared that there are 4 cells needs to make our body healthy. These 4 factors makes up MRT concept. They are:
1. Balanced nutrients consumptions
2. Sufficient oxygen supply
3. Sufficient clean water supply
4. Mental wellness

Through the synergy of these 4 components, MRT helps to retain balanced nutrients and promotes normal functions of cell metabolism.

MRT supports the 4 factors to continuously fertilize our cells to help slow down cell aging, lowering functions degenerations and prevents health hazards that is caused by environmental pollution and stressful lifestyles.

We can translate the MRT concept’s components above in 4 steps that can be practice. They are:

  1. Step 1- Consumptions of balance nutrition to supply all essential nutrients to our body
  2. Step 2- Increasing oxygen intake to enhance cell metabolism
  3. Step 3- Detoxification to cleanse the body off toxins and waste
  4. Step 4- Health regulation to make our cells more fertile and strong

Now that we are aware of the deficiencies in health care regime in this modern day society of ours, the question is, is MRT practicable? Where can we get balanced nutrition and good quality oxygen? With what are we going to clean our body systems with? And how to develop stronger body cells? We will share this in the next post.

To avoid metabolic interference, we need to master MRT technique because it helps to take care of the essential needs of our cells. The end result is our self-healing power will become stronger preventing us from catching diseases.

Always remember that prevention is always better than cure. With MRT steps you can be your own doctor. Only we, ourselves can know if our body is sick or not because we can feel it.

If we pay attention, we can notice the changes in our body. Something is not the same as it use to be. We always blame the changes on age factor but think about it; why is it that a man the same age as the other guy is not easily tired after a day of working but the other guy is already tired after two hours of working the same job?

Well, the other guy is actually receiving a signal from his body telling him that something is happening inside his body that needs him to pay attention and do something about it. If he sees a doctor, the doctor will definitely ask him to take some rest and gives him something to make him feel better but is this the only answer?

The changes are actually caused by the cell metabolic interference which is disrupting the other guy's cell renewal process. This cell metabolic interference is happening to most of us because we are exposed to the 6 health risks factors as shared previously. They are:
1. air pollution
2. water pollution
3. daily stress
4. seldom or never exercise
5. unbalance diet
6. uneven lifestyles

We cannot avoid living with these 6 factors. Whether we like it or not, the more advanced our civilization is, the more we get the 6 factors so the only way to be save is practicing MRT concept using the 4 steps as mentioned above.

Getting Back our Body’s Greatest Asset

A medical report has concluded that 99% of all diseases are related in one way or another with the inability of our body to heal itself naturally. In identifying our body cells reconstruction needs, MRT concept is actually enhancing our body’s greatest asset of all, its self healing power. As we have shared to you previously, MRT is a concept where a cell actually renews itself when it is hurt.

Take for example a 3-storey building. Before it becomes a building, it was only a pile of bricks, sand, cement, concrete etc. You get what I mean. If one of the bricks cracked and it happens to be the support beam, the crack or the weak point will spread, weakens the support and eventually brings down the whole building in rubbles. Our cell is like the building blocks of a building. If our cell is sick then it will spread, weakening the body thus attracting diseases and eventually we will fall prey to cancer, diabetes, asthma etc. So our well-being depends on how healthy and strong our cell is. Unlike bricks, our cells can renews or builds or the best word is, heals itself provided of course they are capable.

This self healing power concept can be illustrated when we have a small cut to one of our fingers. You will notice that it will eventually heal by itself without the use of drugs etc. This is the cells reconstruction work in action or we can call it our self healing power. Of course this is only a simple example. What it means here is that our body can heal itself naturally and the effectiveness depends on how strong and healthy our cells are. The cut to the fingers can be the same as any other chronic disease attacking us today. We can actually naturally heal from diseases.

How do we make our cells become strong and healthy? The answer is MRT. The MRT holistic approach can enhance our health physically, mentally and spiritually with emphasis on the health development of our body’s cells, positive thinking and a calm mind.

4 factors have been identified that is similarly important to promote optimal wellness.
The 4 factors are:
1. Balanced nutrients consumptions
2. Sufficient oxygen supply
3. Sufficient clean water supply
4. Mental wellness

These factors are the cells needs that we have to focus on if we want to have a strong natural self healing power.

Consider this:
If we don’t have all or any one of the factors above, our cell metabolism will be affected and eventually we will catch diseases.

It is important that we understand the needs of our body to make it healthy and strong and continuously feed those needs sufficiently.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Revolution in Health Care

In view of the fact that medical science and technology could not stop the increasing numbers of chronic disease cases and the seriousness of the matter, a Special Committee for Nutrients Research was formed in 1975 by the USA’s congress to deal with it.

After 2 years of study, this committee has published a 5000 pages report. The reports basically states that,” Chronic disease will not heal effectively through use of drugs and medicine or by surgery. The human body will not fall sick as long as its cells are healthy and are getting balanced nutrients continuously.

The committee agrees that diseases are caused by the metabolic abnormalities at cellular level and inadequate supply of nutrients and essentials elements. This is the base for the birth of Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT).

MRT is also known as Cell Renewal Therapy. It emphasized on the self-management of health based on the holistic approach to make sure the cells in our body is fertilized in order to have a strong immune system and optimal body functions.

Molecular means the 60 over trillions of cells in our body. These cells are divided to 3 parts namely:
  1. Hard cells such as our bones, teeth and hair
  2. Soft cells such as the skin, muscle and other organs
  3. Liquid cells such as blood and hormones

Reform here refers to the reconstruction or correcting the abnormal cells. For example, if our cells are healthy and is functioning normally, the production and circulation of our blood is enhanced thus makes us fell good and healthy.

Therapy in this context means a method that is drug free with an outstanding health management regime and an effective preventive medical approach to keep us healthy.

Dr Linus Pauling, a nobel prize winner in medicine and an influential supporter of Medical Science of Diet Therapy predicts that MRT will be the main stream of medical research in the 21st century.

We have seen time and time again how modern medical methods have failed to stop the diseases or even stop it from recurring again. Will MRT be the next big thing? Has MRT started a medical evolution in curing chronic diseases?

Handling The Problem’s Source

More often we have looked for fast and temporary relieve from certain symptoms such as headaches by taking medicine and drugs but we are actually getting rid of the symptoms which is the pain and not directly tackling the source or origin that causes the pain in the first place.

In the long term, we will probably face many side effects from the use of these medicines and drugs and sometimes even develops immunity against them where we would need stronger medicines or drugs to feel better.

We can choose to accept this medical concept and just ignore the relationship between diseases and consumptions of nutrition but this act will only remove the disease symptoms which are like cleaning the surface without attending to the root problem. Eventually, the disease will always resurface and this time it might be more serious.

Statistics in the USA have shown that heart attacks happens every 20seconds and deaths caused by cancer in every 10seconds. It is clear for all to see that although USA has the most advanced medical technology in the world, it has to race herself to control the ever increasing medical cases and the complexity of the health problems.

Is taking daily doses of medicines and drugs ever going to cure us? Or is it just a way to stop the agonizing pain and covering up the symptoms? Its just like sweeping the floors clean and disposing of the dirt and dust under the carpet. Eventually the accumulated dust will burst out of the carpet making the floors dirtier than ever.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are you really healthy?

The global health crisis is getting worse every day. We are not only facing old disease like malaria and tuberculosis but infectious disease like AIDS are spreading quickly crossing international borders and unstoppable new viruses appears from no where threatening the world like the deadly SARS.

Every time the data and statistics appear, the numbers are always scary. According to WHO, from the total 52.2 millions of death across the world in 1997:
  • 17.3 millions is caused by infectious disease and parasites
  • 15.3 millions is caused by blood circulatory disease
  • 6.2 millions is caused by cancer
  • 2.9 millions is caused by respiratory disease
The list goes on. It is true that in this supersonic modern era we are blessed with amazing development of technologies but the health problems it brings is also aplenty. Most if not all of us is getting sick because of these 6 factors:
1. air pollution
2. water pollution
3. daily stress
4. seldom or never exercise
5. unbalance diet
6. uneven lifestyles
Because of these factors we are easily prone to get sick.

Many assume that if they are not having serious disease or is not regularly ill, they are healthy. This popular assumption is wrong and absurd. According to a study, only 20% of the public have ever felt really energized after a good sleep.

In reality, most people are far from being in the best of health. Most of us are in the semi-healthy-state. Observe the semi-healthy-state sickness below. If you have any one or all of the sickness listed below, then you’d know if you’re really healthy or not:
  1. easily tired
  2. cannot concentrate and easily irritated
  3. headaches and insomnia
  4. continuous back and shoulder pain
  5. digestive problem and appetite loss
  6. easily catch flu and cough

These sicknesses might not be serious disease but they are signals from our body telling us that there are slight changes in our cell metabolism. If it is ignored, it can spread uncontrollably and the affected cells might get infected and will catch a deadlier chronic disease.

Nutrients, a necessity

Personal health management has been said to be the logical way to stop chronic diseases from viciously attacking us today. These chronic diseases are caused by pressures from our busy way of life coupled with the polluted environment we live in. Sadly, the advancement and many breakthroughs in modern medicine could not effectively solve this problem

Consuming good, quality foods, exercising and getting medical treatments when needed are not answers to preserving ones health. These are only parts of it. In fact, this effort needs an in depth understanding of our body functions.

Being healthy means that our body functions is at its optimum that will allow us to sleep soundly, our mental and physical performance at its best and of course we are free from any illnesses. How can we keep our health until old age? Is taking medicine alone enough for our body to be healthy again? Why does our illnesses keeps coming back after medical treatments? People as young as 20 years old are getting heart attacks, why is this happening? These are some of the questions that we always ask ourselves and are usually left unanswered.

In 1975, a Nutrients Research Committee was formed in the USA to study the human body functions needs to achieve optimal health. The committee has come up with MRT or Molecular Reform Therapy.

MRT is a healthy living concept based on holistic studies on human cell. It is a health management system that has been proven effective.

MRT emphasize on the biological needs and the needs of our more than 60 trillions cell to encourage healthy cell metabolism and effective immune systems for optimal health. Based on research on human cell activities and elements that helps healthy cells metabolism, MRT focus on the natural healing ability of our body.

Chronic disease that has been attacking our modern society today has crippled the quality of our lives. It is proven in the research of cell activities and metabolism that these chronic diseases are caused by low nutrients intake and other important elements.

The key to good health really depends on the amount of nutrients we consume and the necessary elements supporting our cells to keep our body healthy. Nutrients gives our cells what it needs to generate self healing and thus keeps us safe if we are hurt by diseases.