
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Getting Back our Body’s Greatest Asset

A medical report has concluded that 99% of all diseases are related in one way or another with the inability of our body to heal itself naturally. In identifying our body cells reconstruction needs, MRT concept is actually enhancing our body’s greatest asset of all, its self healing power. As we have shared to you previously, MRT is a concept where a cell actually renews itself when it is hurt.

Take for example a 3-storey building. Before it becomes a building, it was only a pile of bricks, sand, cement, concrete etc. You get what I mean. If one of the bricks cracked and it happens to be the support beam, the crack or the weak point will spread, weakens the support and eventually brings down the whole building in rubbles. Our cell is like the building blocks of a building. If our cell is sick then it will spread, weakening the body thus attracting diseases and eventually we will fall prey to cancer, diabetes, asthma etc. So our well-being depends on how healthy and strong our cell is. Unlike bricks, our cells can renews or builds or the best word is, heals itself provided of course they are capable.

This self healing power concept can be illustrated when we have a small cut to one of our fingers. You will notice that it will eventually heal by itself without the use of drugs etc. This is the cells reconstruction work in action or we can call it our self healing power. Of course this is only a simple example. What it means here is that our body can heal itself naturally and the effectiveness depends on how strong and healthy our cells are. The cut to the fingers can be the same as any other chronic disease attacking us today. We can actually naturally heal from diseases.

How do we make our cells become strong and healthy? The answer is MRT. The MRT holistic approach can enhance our health physically, mentally and spiritually with emphasis on the health development of our body’s cells, positive thinking and a calm mind.

4 factors have been identified that is similarly important to promote optimal wellness.
The 4 factors are:
1. Balanced nutrients consumptions
2. Sufficient oxygen supply
3. Sufficient clean water supply
4. Mental wellness

These factors are the cells needs that we have to focus on if we want to have a strong natural self healing power.

Consider this:
If we don’t have all or any one of the factors above, our cell metabolism will be affected and eventually we will catch diseases.

It is important that we understand the needs of our body to make it healthy and strong and continuously feed those needs sufficiently.

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