
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Towards Optimal Health Care

Previously, we have shared that there are 4 cells needs to make our body healthy. These 4 factors makes up MRT concept. They are:
1. Balanced nutrients consumptions
2. Sufficient oxygen supply
3. Sufficient clean water supply
4. Mental wellness

Through the synergy of these 4 components, MRT helps to retain balanced nutrients and promotes normal functions of cell metabolism.

MRT supports the 4 factors to continuously fertilize our cells to help slow down cell aging, lowering functions degenerations and prevents health hazards that is caused by environmental pollution and stressful lifestyles.

We can translate the MRT concept’s components above in 4 steps that can be practice. They are:

  1. Step 1- Consumptions of balance nutrition to supply all essential nutrients to our body
  2. Step 2- Increasing oxygen intake to enhance cell metabolism
  3. Step 3- Detoxification to cleanse the body off toxins and waste
  4. Step 4- Health regulation to make our cells more fertile and strong

Now that we are aware of the deficiencies in health care regime in this modern day society of ours, the question is, is MRT practicable? Where can we get balanced nutrition and good quality oxygen? With what are we going to clean our body systems with? And how to develop stronger body cells? We will share this in the next post.

To avoid metabolic interference, we need to master MRT technique because it helps to take care of the essential needs of our cells. The end result is our self-healing power will become stronger preventing us from catching diseases.

Always remember that prevention is always better than cure. With MRT steps you can be your own doctor. Only we, ourselves can know if our body is sick or not because we can feel it.

If we pay attention, we can notice the changes in our body. Something is not the same as it use to be. We always blame the changes on age factor but think about it; why is it that a man the same age as the other guy is not easily tired after a day of working but the other guy is already tired after two hours of working the same job?

Well, the other guy is actually receiving a signal from his body telling him that something is happening inside his body that needs him to pay attention and do something about it. If he sees a doctor, the doctor will definitely ask him to take some rest and gives him something to make him feel better but is this the only answer?

The changes are actually caused by the cell metabolic interference which is disrupting the other guy's cell renewal process. This cell metabolic interference is happening to most of us because we are exposed to the 6 health risks factors as shared previously. They are:
1. air pollution
2. water pollution
3. daily stress
4. seldom or never exercise
5. unbalance diet
6. uneven lifestyles

We cannot avoid living with these 6 factors. Whether we like it or not, the more advanced our civilization is, the more we get the 6 factors so the only way to be save is practicing MRT concept using the 4 steps as mentioned above.

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