
Saturday, March 22, 2008


According to WHO, colon cancer is predicted to become the no.1 killer in the 21st century in the developed world and it was proven that the main caused for this is the piled up waste in the colon.

This happens because most of the chronic diseases start with a dirty and toxic colon. Constipation is the main symptom of an unhealthy colon. However, if we are free from constipation and other related colon problem, it doesn’t necessarily means that we have a healthy colon. A study in Japan has revealed that a person who doesn’t have any constipation signs at all actually develops 6-10Ib of stubborn stool in their colon.

Further study in the US have shown that from more than 20,000 patient who have undergone surgery, not even one of them had a healthy colon!

That is why one of the steps in the MRT concept is focused on colon cleansing. Any foods that are not properly digested will not be absorbed into our body system and will be left as toxic waste. If this waste is not removed, the toxic will spread to the colon walls and will be absorbed back to the tiny blood capillaries that will bring the toxic to the whole body. This will disrupt the cell functions and eventually will develop diseases.

Some people have constipation problems but are not aware that it is a serious matter. Most will just say that its normal and it runs in the family or that the lesser they visit the toilet the better. They even say that they feel normal although they haven’t excreted for 3 days. Most don’t know that we must excrete at least once a day to cleanse our body of toxic waste form the food we eat.

Detoxification is step no.3 in the MRT health concept. It is very important to detoxify our body and to maintain healthy digestive systems. The correct way to do this is to cleanse and remove toxic waste from our colon.

We will share to you how to have a clean colon more in later posts.

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